We live in a strange time. In time of difficulties, we Christians usually would combat adversity together hand in hand. But now we have to combat adversity without this time honored tradition. We thank God we still have words on paper and words from mouth. Lord’s Grace Church will publish a daily letter with devotional materials and personal sharing as a way to encourage each other. In the past few weeks, the Lord’s Grace Church has come up with certain measures and various fellowship groups some other ways to ensure we are in contact with each other. We want to strengthen our faith, tighten our bonding, and at the same time protect our health. After the Lenten Devotion, we will again use this Letters in Pandemic as a means to extend spiritual caring. They will be like letters from parent to child, sister to brother, and among friends. This is an interactive moment for LGC. We hope to share among ourselves personally in familiar and authentic voices. We will also publish the daily lectionary here updated every week. There are four passages every day but the author will only share one of them. The “letters” are mainly written by the pastoral team and some of our senior members will chime in to share the load. We will not publish the names of our authors but you can still through the words from the bottom of their hearts. Our writings are probably not as eloquent nor sophisticated as those published professionally on the internet. But this is a “letter” from your family members!