“There is no fear of God before their eyes.”
Now we know that whatever the law says, it speaks to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced, and the whole world may be held accountable to God. For “no human being will be justified in his sight” by deeds prescribed by the law, for through the law comes the knowledge of sin. (Romans 3:18-20)
Who among us is not under the Law? As long as we are not living in an isolated island, we are under the Law. When we talk about law, the first thing to come to mind is the rules and regulation written in black and white. We may ask a lawyer to write a contract for us, or even a will. As long as we have those rules and regulation, we are pretty sure they will be followed under the law. Law is constraint. It bounds us in a limited confinement. Some love certain confinement. We will see many go into marriage. Some accept confinement unwillingly, some would even hate confinement and is willing to die to break free. On the license plate of New Hampshire, the motto is “Live free or die.”
As we look at the constraint, we can have different angles. One of the angles is looking from outside in. Some other can look from inside out. The philosopher will always wonder who is watching who in the zoo. When the gorilla looked at you through the Plexiglas, how would I know I am not being watched? As we look at the constraint, we can also have a different mindset, too. A mindset will decide how we interpret the constraint.
When Paul looked at the Law, he says, “for through the law comes the knowledge of sin.” This knowledge of sin led me to realize what kind of person I am; I am a sinner. From the knowledge, we sinner can look for help from above. This is the mindset Paul would love us to have. God’s angle is from above looking upon us as sinners who need salvation. Then what shall be my angle? Looking up to ask for help! Shouldn’t we?
I pray to God, “From your Law, I can see through my own sinfulness. Help me to look up to you and ask for your great salvation. For this salvation is not a one time deal. Your great salvation is to bring me back every time I was led astray by my own pride, and stupidity. Help me to see the preciousness of your Law and abide in it. In Jesus’ sweetest name I pray. Amen.”